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Printed Works by Schöffer

The Schöffer print shop in a woodcut from around 1586
The Schöffer print shop in a woodcut from around 1586

Peter Schöffer the Younger was born in Mainz sometime between 1475 and 1480. His father ran a print shop in the city. He relocated to Worms in 1518 and began to print writings sympathetic to the Reformation cause.  

Worms around 1521, Schöffer print shop; 3-D rendering by FaberCourtial 
Worms around 1521, Schöffer print shop; 3-D rendering by FaberCourtial
Meielburg in the Hamman plan of 1630, photo: Worms City Archive 
Meielburg in the Hamman plan of 1630, photo: Worms City Archive

The print shop was situated in 'Meilenburg' (Eulenburgstraße 12), which was destroyed during the Thirty Years' War. A care home run by German Red Cross now stands at this address.

While residing in Worms, Schöffer printed works that included the first English-language version of the New Testament by William Tyndale (1526), the Worms translation of The Prophets by the Anabaptists Hans Denck and Ludwig Hätzer (1527), the Schleitheim Confession (1527-29), the Worms Bible (1529) and the second edition of Johann Walter's Choral Hymn Book (1525). 

Schöffer moved to Strasbourg in 1529. The Worms City Library holds a facsimile of the Tyndale Bible and a 1770 reprint of The Prophets in the Worms edition.